ATTENTION: Hard-working professionals who want to overcome debt and save more without sacrificing your lifestyle:
A Simple Credit Management Blueprint for Busy Professionals
Access all you need to start your journey on financial recovery.
"Are your finances a nightmare? It's time to wake up from that bad dream and create a better reality..."
Dear Hard-Working Professional: Are money worries keeping you up at 3 am?
Does this sound familiar: You work hard, but you never seem to have enough. You can't get a handle on your expenses. Your credit cards are maxed out all the time
And now you're worried. Terrified. You're worried that you'll have to work for the rest of your life... That there's no cushy retirement waiting for you down the road... That you'll never be able to live the life you deserve. You've tried living frugally. And it worked for a while. You were able to pay off some debts. Maybe put away a little something in the bank.
But you were utterly miserable. You missed the little treats that make life more fun and enjoyable. And like a spending junkie, you went into a buying binge to dull the pain. All your good intentions went flying out the door, and you never looked back.
You're running out of control, and you're scared. Scared for yourself. Scared for your spouse. And especially scared for your kids. Listen, there's a way out of this money hell hole.
What you need is a simple plan that will help you achieve big results through small steps.
Read that again:
You can't make big changes all at once. Your mind and heart will eventually reject them and you'll only feel like a failure.
Instead, take small steps. Easy ones you can barely feel.
But after some time, you look back and realize you've made a huge impact in your life.
Primary Goal
Improving your credit score, exploring other financial alternatives, improving your overall financial health through coaching.
Secondary Goal
Negotiating with creditors, exploring debt management plans, and other viable options.
As a Certified Credit Counselor, I am on a mission to spread financial literacy amongst my clients by providing them with professional and sound counsel needed to help them get out of financial difficulties and become financially empowered. I hold my client’s hands and take them through the process needed to enhance their skills, knowledge, and abilities necessary to help them stay out of financial debt and credit problems.
I obtained my certification from the National Association of Certified Credit Counselors and as a proud member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc, I have successfully worked with customers in developing a budget and a game plan to defeat debt, how to read a credit report, and how to challenge creditors with errors on their credit report. A big part of my career in credit counseling is negotiating with creditors better terms on credit card debt on behalf of my customers.
"Personal Credit Blueprint: A Simple Credit Management Blueprint for Busy Professionals" is a comprehensive program that will show you, step by step, how to:
Improve your credit rating, even if you have debt
Save money for short term goals like starting a business, vacations, and renovations
Build wealth for long term goals like your retirement
Get rid of debt once and for all, so you can start building up your financial assets
Protect yourself from identity thieves who can cripple your financial life
Make more money, even if you don't switch jobs or get a raise
Initial 60 Minute 1:1 Consultation with Coach William Moore
(4) Laser Sessions
Full Review and Analysis of Credit Report
Identify Delinquent and Derogatory Tradelines to Improve Your Credit Profile
Ten (10) Letter Template Package (Bureaus & Furnishers)
Road to 850 8-Week Accountability Mastermind Group
Money problems cause a lot of stress. You don't have to keep living with it. Face your financial problems straight on, and finally enjoy a financially stress-free life.
Enjoy all of these and more for a one-time payment of just;
P.S.: If you're having any money or credit problems at all, you need to take action before it's too late.
Our Mission is to heal the financially sick and ensure that others do not have to learn about credit the hard way. Learn More About Us
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